
In the map "City of Dawn," a war between the Akademia and the Shaharism broke out, each with their sights set on exclusively occupying the city.

Your team will be either the Akademia or the Shaharism.

Each battle ends within eight minutes. Both teams will move forward along the lanes and intersect mid battlefield. The total battle rewards depend on various battle results, including your battle performance and the quality of your Numen and Artifacts.

Team victory is achieved when anyone gets 10k points. If this does not happen before the end of the eight minutes when the battle ends, the team with the most points wins.

Occupying the gate will increase reward points!

To occupy the gate, please follow one of these methods:

  • Press "F" for 3 seconds

  • Right-click your mouse for 3 seconds

Calculation of Points

Team points will continuously accumulate so long as they occupy the gate. There will be specific periods where even more bonus points will be rewarded.

Killing opponent Numens will not increase your team's points but will be recorded in your individual ranking.

Last updated